We have given teams to managers that have completed their background checks. You should be contacted soon!
If you do not hear anything by 2-9-2025, please email rbyexecutiveboard@yahoo.com with the players name and date of birth. We will track down your manager!
Check back in July to register for our fall season!
Here are some answers to the questions that many of you have...
Registration will close on January 15. We will have a waitlist available after that.
All players in the Pinto 7 or 8U Softball divisions will have to evaluate.
All players (league age 7 and up) that did not play at RBY during the Spring 2024 season will also have to evaluate.
Evaluations will be in mid-January. Times will be emailed to you the week prior. No makeups are available.
Teams will be distributed in early February. Managers will need to attend a meeting in order to receive their roster. Practice fields and equipment will be assigned at this meeting as well. Times TBD
Opening day will be March 1. Picture day will also be March 1.
The season will end in May or early June, depending on the game schedule
Here are some answers to the questions that many of you have...
Registration will close on January 15. We will have a waitlist available after that.
All players in the Pinto or 8U Softball divisions will have to evaluate.
All players (league age 7 and up) that did not play at RBY during the Spring 2023 season will also have to evaluate.
Evaluations will be in mid-January. Times will be emailed to you the week prior. No makeups are available.
Teams will be distributed in early February. Managers will need to attend a meeting in order to receive their roster. Practice fields and equipment will be assigned at this meeting as well. Times TBD
Opening day will be March 2. Picture day will also be March 2.
The season will end in early or mid-June, depending on the game schedule.
If you would like to bid on one of our RFP's, please email rbyforbey@yahoo.com
We have RFP's available for the following:
Field Prep
Head Umpire
Head Scorekeeper